The Salesian Academy of St John Bosco

British Values & SMSC

Promoting British Values in The Salesian Academy of St. John Bosco
Educating in Peace and Friendship

“To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”

Citizens of the UK are encouraged to:

  • Respect and obey the law.
  • Respect the rights of others, including their right to their own opinions.
  • Treat others with fairness
  • Look after yourself and your family.
  • Look after the area in which you live and the environment.

At The Salesian Academy of St. John Bosco we believe our Code of Conduct, which is lived through our Mission Statement, as well as our enriching curriculum and extra-curricular activities, fully supports these fundamental British Values.

We are committed to promoting these in the following ways:


Democracy is rife within our school. Pupil voice, as well as parent/carer voice, plays a central part in developing school improvement priorities. Pupils can have their voices heard through our School Council and Pupil questionnaires. Our school behaviour policy involves rewards which the pupils have contributed towards.
The school is clear in demonstrating how pupils should respect, contribute, co-operate and consider the views, beliefs, values, lifestyle and needs of others. The School Council meets regularly and takes part in decision making on a range of topics, which the school population has identified.

The Rule of Law

All staff members have high expectations of the children in our school. The importance of laws and rules are consistently reinforced in the classroom, as well as through school assemblies. Pupils are taught to understand the need for laws - which are there for individual protection, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. Pupils follow a positive behaviour policy and clearly understand the rewards and sanctions that are used. Assemblies and discussions in class focus on recognising right from wrong and visits from the Police, Racial Hate Team, the school’s Safer Schools Officer (PC Rebecca) and the Fire Service help to reinforce these messages. Through Religious Education, PHSE and Values Education pupils discuss many morals, and extra-curricular clubs enable them to develop their understanding of the rules of the law.

Individual Liberty

Pupils are encouraged to be independent learners, constantly making choices, within a safe and supportive environment. Developing their self- esteem and self-confidence is very important. Pupils are encouraged to understand their personal freedoms and are taught how to use these rights to best effect. All pupils are keen to support charities, whether local, national, or global. They are taught consideration for others through our Religious Education curriculum and enriching curriculum. E-safety lessons enable the children to make choices in a safe manner.

Mutual Respect

At The Salesian Academy of St. John Bosco, our Christian values of respect and tolerance permeate all areas of school life. This engenders a climate within which pupils feel safe and secure and facilitates the fulfilment of potential. All staff demonstrate respect to everyone with whom they come into contact. They consistently model and promote the behaviours and attitudes that are the foundation of positive relationships. The strong school ethos encourages everyone to consider and support each other and to celebrate the worth and individuality of every member of the school community. Discussions in class and during whole school assemblies as well as issues that are promoted during collective worship, allow the children to show respect and reverence to all other individuals.

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

As a Catholic community, pupils are reminded of their place in a culturally diverse society. This is achieved through our Religious Education curriculum and the spiritual life of the school. Assemblies and class work promote the diversity of society and the right for each person to be respected and valued equally regardless of ability, gender, faith, heritage, or race. Members of different faiths or religions are invited to school to share their knowledge and enhance learning within assemblies and in class. Each year, each class spends one week studying another country, which allows them to compare cultures whilst respecting other faiths and beliefs. This work is also embedded in the many other curriculum areas which are studied throughout the year. We also often use opportunities such as the Olympics/World Cup to study other cultures.

All of our staff and children are actively involved in supporting many fundraising campaigns such as Salesian Mission in Liberia and Haiti as well as a range of other charities such as Jospice, Marie Curie, Help for Heroes, Fair Trade and the Salesian Mission in India, which is supported by the pupil Merit System.


Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education is at the heart of all we do at The Salesian Academy of St. John Bosco.

As a Catholic academy in the Salesian tradition we believe that each and every child should be given the very best in academic and spiritual, moral, social and cultural formation.

To facilitate this we have an extensive chaplaincy program, which is led by Fr. Jakub.
Working across the academy Fr. Jakub has a robust and holistic program of events which allows pupils to reflect, pray, meditate and to grow in their faith.
Mass is celebrated regularly at various stages of the year and weekly during Advent and Lent. Holy days of obligation and Salesian feasts days are marked with Mass.

Each academy year begins with a Mass of Welcome and class Masses are celebrated for Year 7.

The academy offers a retreat and program, giving pupils the opportunity to visit Savio House as well as opportunities to mix with other Salesian pupils via the Salesian Family ‘pupil voice’ network.

Each academy day begins with a daily act of collective worship, which pupils are keen to plan and deliver. Each lesson provides opportunities to explore SMSC themes.

Through Religious Education all of the major world faiths are explored.
Whilst most of the pupils in our academy are baptised Catholics a minority of pupils are members of the Muslim, Sikh and Hindu faith communities.

We have an ‘open door’ policy in our chapel and pupils from other faiths are aware that the chapel is available to them for prayer and reflection.

Festivals such as Eid, Diwali and Ramadan are marked by the academy and collective worship takes into account the plurality of beliefs which exist in our academy.