The Salesian Academy of St John Bosco

Catholic Schools Inspection, 2025

Back in January, we received our Catholic Schools Inspection, and it is testament to the hard work and commitment of our whole community that The Salesian Academy Of St John Bosco achieved a Good judgment, with six out of nine subsections judged to be Outstanding and the remaining three judged as Good.

The report highlighted school’s key strengths in relation to Catholic life and mission, Religious Education and collective worship: “All staff serve as outstanding role models… Pastoral care is outstanding, with a real focus on supporting the most vulnerable within its community... Pupil behaviour is exemplary.”


“Pupils fully understand the school’s mission statement, speaking eloquently about the principles of respect, understanding, affection and humour. They know that they are loved and know that they have to model that to feel loved themselves.”


“One pupil commented, ‘The school is like a moral compass, which helps with the decisions I make when I’m with my friends and the staff’. All staff, expertly led by senior leaders and the school’s Chaplain, strive to offer opportunities that enable pupils to respond to the needs of their peers, the local community and those further afield.”


Our priorities for development moving forwards are to provide more opportunities for pupils to prepare and lead prayer and liturgy, to strengthen questioning techniques in RE lessons, and develop more consistency across assessment and feedback.

salesian academy of st john bosco csi.pdf