The Salesian Academy of St John Bosco

SEND Information

At The Salesian College of St John Bosco, we believe that all pupils are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum. Pupils are valued equally, regardless of ability and are encouraged to maximise their learning capability. The achievements, attitudes and well-being of all pupils are important and practical steps are taken to account for pupils’ varied life experiences and needs. It is our aim to ensure that pupils achieve their potential and make a successful transition to the world of further education, training or work. All teachers and support staff are committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment.

Key Staff:

Special Educational Needs Coordinator: Mrs L Wilson

SEND Governor: Mr P Lloyd


  • To identify, at the earliest opportunity, barriers to learning and participation for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
  • To ensure that every pupil experiences success in their learning and achieves their best outcomes
  • To enable all pupils to participate in lessons fully and effectively
  • To value and encourage the contribution of all pupils to school life
  • To work in partnership with parents and carers
  • To communicate with the Governing Body to enable them to fulfil their monitoring role with regard to the SEND information report
  • To work closely with external support agencies, where appropriate, to support the needs of individual pupils
  • To ensure that all staff have access to training and advice to support quality teaching and learning for all pupils

How does the school know if children need additional support and how is SEND identified?

Our SEND profile for 2024/25 shows that 20% of pupils on the roll identify as having SEND. The range of needs includes:

  • Communication and Interaction (C&I)
  • Cognition and Learning (C&L)
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)
  • Physical and/or Sensory – disabilities, including mobility, sight and hearing (P&S)

Further information with regards to SEND categories is outlined in the school's SEND policy.

The SEND Register is reviewed and updated termly.

Many pupils on the school’s Special Educational Need and Disability (SEND) register will have had their needs identified at primary school and the information will have been transferred upon their admission to The Salesian Academy of St John Bosco. However, some Special Educational Needs are not identified until the secondary stage of a pupil’s schooling. All teachers at The Salesian College of St John Bosco are responsible for identifying pupils with SEND and, in collaboration with the SENDco, will ensure that those pupils requiring ‘different from’ or ‘additional to’ support are identified at an early stage.

The academic, social and emotional progress of pupils is constantly monitored by teachers, pastoral support, teaching assistants and the leadership team. The core of our teacher’s work involves a continuous cycle of planning, teaching, and assessing, taking into account the differences in pupils’ abilities, aptitudes, and interests. Through this planning, it may become evident that some pupils need increased levels of supervision and support. Progress is a crucial factor in determining the need for additional support. The SENDco will be consulted if a pupil is not making adequate progress; they are then responsible for assessing the pupil to determine if there are special educational needs. They will do this by gaining a holistic view, considering:

  • Evidence obtained by teacher observation/assessment
  • Performance in the National Curriculum
  • Standardised screening or assessment tools. For example CATs
  • Other screening/diagnostic tests. For example, dyslexia screening tests
  • Report or observations from Teaching Assistants
  • Records from primary schools
  • Information from parents
  • Pupil voice

The SENDco may also seek the support of external specialist services:

  • Educational Psychologist
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
  • Sefton Mental Health Support Team
  • Early Help
  • Speech and Language Team
  • Occupational Therapy Service
  • Sefton SEND team
  • Autism Initiatives

What should I do if I think my child has an additional need or disability?

We strive to maintain successful home/school links. Parents/carers are encouraged to speak to a member of staff if there are any concerns. Parents' Evenings are an opportunity to seek support or guidance.

All pupils are allocated a Form Tutor and Head of Year, any concerns should be raised with them in the first instance. If necessary, a meeting can be arranged with Mrs L Wilson (SENDCco).

How will the curriculum be matched to my child/young person’s needs?

A broad and balanced curriculum is offered at both key stages.

Our Curriculum

Teaching and resources are adapted to deliver quality first teaching and meet the needs of all pupils. All lessons offer the challenge and support necessary for pupils to learn. Adaptations are clear through the work set, questions asked, support given, or outcomes expected.

How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?

Where special educational needs are identified, we put into place appropriate, evidence-based interventions. The approach is graduated with regular review of progress made and adaptations to support provided as required.

In-service support at The Salesian College of St John Bosco includes:

  • Teaching Assistant Support
  • Access to mentoring with Pastoral Leaders
  • Literacy and Numeracy intervention
  • Chaplaincy

How is a decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

All mainstream schools are provided with resources that they can use to support pupils with additional needs. Most of these resources are determined by the local funding formula.

Schools have an amount defined by their own budget, this is a ring-fenced amount allocated to the provision of high-quality support.

Resources are identified to meet individual needs through the regular review of pupil attainment and progress. Communication between parents/carers is in place to keep up to date with the level of support and interventions their child is receiving and the effectiveness of the support in place.

How will you support me with my child’s learning?

There are numerous methods in place to ensure that parents are able to support their child’s learning:

  • Tutors can communicate with you via Classcharts
  • Teachers and the SENDco can offer practical ways that you can support your child at home
  • If your child is on the SEND register, they will have a Pupil Passport, which offers a range of strategies to support your child
  • If your child has complex special educational needs or a disability, they may have an Educational Health and Care Plan and will therefore have a formal annual review meeting where effective ways to support the child will be shared
  • There are scheduled Parent Evenings for all year groups and annual reports

What support is there for behavior, avoiding suspension and increasing attendance?

There is a behaviour policy in place, and pupils’ Special Educational Needs will be considered when approaching any behaviour issues. There is a clear focus on rewarding positive behavior for learning. Pupils’ achievements are celebrated during Collective Worship, in rewards assemblies and through Classcharts.

Any behavioral issues are dealt with swiftly and effectively by key members of staff, and parents/carers are informed. Suspension is rare and is only used as a last resort.

The attendance of all pupils is monitored on a daily basis by the Form Teachers, Class teachers, Pastoral staff and the Attendance and Welfare Officer. Punctuality and absence are reported to the Headteacher and the Governing body. Where attendance issues are identified, parents/carers will be invited to school to meet the Attendance of and Head of Year, in some cases, it may be appropriate for the SENDco to attend.

How will my child be supported with the transition to school?

To ensure a positive transition, the SENDco visits all feeder primary schools to obtain information. All pupils are invited to a transition day during the summer term, and there are a number of opportunities for Parents and Carers to attend school. Individual transition meetings will be scheduled as required.

As your child moves between Key Stages, career advice and provision will be in place. Pupils identified as having Special Educational Needs will be prioritised for post-16 advice.

How accessible is the school environment?

SASJB Accessibility Plan

Who can I contact for further information?

If parents/carers feel that they want to discuss their child and their specific needs or any concerns they may have in further detail, they can make an appointment with the Head of Year, SENDco or any member of the Senior Leadership team.

If you are considering sending your child to The Salesian Academy of St John Bosco and you feel they have special educational needs or disabilities which you would like to discuss further please make an appointment to visit, during your visit you will be given a tour of school and an opportunity to discuss support that could be offered to meet your child’s needs.